Acoustic Sounds

Music Reviews: Gospel

Like Song Cycle, Van Dyke Parks' ambitious 1967 debut, Lotti Golden's 1969 debut Motor-Cycle flopped when first released, but over the years both have gained cult followings and now finally Golden's gets a well-deserved reissue courtesy High Moon Records.The comparison may seem bizarre to anyone familiar with both (the "cycle" in both album titles has nothing to do with it), but as record biz tragi-stories they are surprisingly similar, though... Read More

Pharoah Sanders’ 1977 album Pharoah is one of beauty and contentment, of family and love. You could even call it relaxed, a term unfit for his other 60s and 70s classics. The story behind it, however, is one of bitterness and disappointment—a complete contrast to the record’s majestic sound.The saxophonist, who’d not entered the studio for at least three years, found himself and his band in a large, concrete room with minimal adornment and a rather primitive recording... Read More

genre Jazz Rock Gospel format Vinyl