Acoustic Sounds
By: Michael Fremer

February 18th, 2025



New UberLight® Frame From Reliable Corp. Sheds Fresh Light on Turntables

a sexier looking higher tech, remote controllable turntable lighting system

Reliable Corporation's UberLight® Flex became a big hit in the audiophile world a few years ago. It's among the best ways to illuminate a turntable or any piece of audio gear. They are ubiquitous at audio shows worldwide.

Reliable just introduced the new Frame UberLight® that's a radical departure and a major esthetic and functional upgrade from the Flex. The sophisticated looking Frame offers more than 100 lighting combinations with six brightness levels, three color temperatures and six touch zones. It's made of a durable cast aluminum frame that swivels 360 degrees and has 30 degree tilt multiple mounting options (instead of Flex's multiple different models) and includes a remote control.

It's a much sexier looking number (yes lights can be sexy) that is more appropriate illuminating high tech turntables and electronics than the homelier though still highly functional Flex. The Frame costs $399 U.S. dollars and $549 CAD. Free delivery is included in the cost in The United States and Canada.

Reliable's Robert Kahn sent one to me a few years ago. I wrote about it and the rest....Kahn made a video that's probably still somewhere on the https://www.reliablecorporation website in which he credits an "audio reviewer" for the light's popularity. Who can that be?


  • 2025-02-18 11:49:35 PM

    Come on wrote:

    Nice when it's getting unplugged at the wall socket as soon as one's playing music.

    As there's a whole industry trying to cancel HF noise around the Hifi system for good reasons, I wonder why one should place a (probably) unshielded electric cabling including the electricity inside the frame and lamp exactly around the most sensible analog equipment. But probably everyone's constantly plugging and unplugging the mains plug between lighting and playing phases ;-) Crazy that this got a kind of standard. For me a small but bright enough battery light that can be moved wherever needed and otherwise put away does the job.

    • 2025-02-19 03:02:13 PM

      Mark Preston wrote:

      I wonder what's powering this light too, the only time I get audible noise on my analogue side is when there's a SMPS wall wart in the vicinity..

      • 2025-02-19 03:04:45 PM

        bwb wrote:

        Use a 5v linear supply, works just fine, no noise

        • 2025-02-26 05:59:38 PM

          JEB-42 wrote:

          I run mine off an USB battery pack. Takes it off the circuit completely. At low level it can run constantly for over 24 hrs. Love the remote option on it. Turns off when playing records.

  • 2025-02-19 04:08:40 AM

    Ivan Bacon wrote:

    First, 400.00 dollars, give me a f)(ing break. Second, i am not putting a usb powered devise anywhere near my audio system/turntable.

    • 2025-02-19 04:24:43 AM

      Anton wrote:

      400 bucks is less than the sales tax on a true high end turntable lamp.

    • 2025-02-19 03:09:53 PM

      bwb wrote:

      Commenting on the relative value of anything in this hobby is a complete waste of time, kind of like commenting on what a waste of time it is

      USB runs on 5V DC… what’s the problem with that?

      If it has a micro processor running to control all those functions then maybe that would make enough noise to cause a problem?

      • 2025-02-19 03:15:25 PM

        bwb wrote:

        Since it has a remote and touchscreen it must have a microprocessor and therefore a high frequency clock… agreed I wouldn’t want that sitting next to my table

  • 2025-02-19 08:10:10 AM

    Jeff 'Glotz' Glotzer wrote:

    I love the original in white. Super durable, but yeah, plastic covering lacks bling. Aluminum may not justify the cost, but his market is audiophiles now and he ain't stupid. Sexier if it had fishnets and 6" platforms. SE version will have that for sure..

  • 2025-02-19 03:56:44 PM

    Michael Fremer wrote:

    The manufacturer is an audiophile who says they paid attention to and measured noise in the design. I suggest a double blind test or some sort with the unit plugged in and off and plug out and off or some such thing. I know people who complain that the DS Audio anti-static device also in the photo and that I use has a negative 'sound'. I don't hear that. And I'll do some playing around with this unit to hear if I can hear any negatives....

    • 2025-02-26 06:01:15 PM

      JEB-42 wrote:

      Try running it off an USB Battery pack. Not plugged in to your circuits at all then.

    • 2025-02-26 06:01:17 PM

      JEB-42 wrote:

      Try running it off an USB Battery pack. Not plugged in to your circuits at all then.

    • 2025-02-26 06:01:21 PM

      JEB-42 wrote:

      Try running it off an USB Battery pack. Not plugged in to your circuits at all then.

  • 2025-02-19 05:01:40 PM

    tim davis wrote:

    A turntable light? I was under the impression that golden eared audiophiles deplored such useless "dj features" & got by with their superior hearing functioning much like bat's radar to safely move needles & lps in & out of playback time, what with there being a built in light on the Technics SL 1200mk7, Sl 1200 Gr, & the Sl 1200 G and so many high end folk shunning those commoner's wares.

  • 2025-02-19 06:48:05 PM

    Michael Fremer wrote:

    If you're really concerned about noise, you must turn off your WiFi when you listen. I assume some of you are concerned about transmissive not audible noise but I asked Reliable's CEO about the Frame design and noise and he replied:

    "Our team is very proud of the development of the UberLight Frame to ensure it met our targets for low noise and electrical transmission.

    Low Noise · The low noise is achieved with premium LED lights supplied by Samsung. · The test performed for dB is done in a standard room at 25C and Humidity of 65%. The unit noise is then measured at 30CM in a soundproof room. The end result is a decibel reading of 19.1 at 10cm."

    As for hearing a difference with the light off but plugged in and not plugged in, I spent some time last night and couldn't hear any differences.

    • 2025-02-19 06:58:52 PM

      Come on wrote:

      I guess a lot of other equipment and its HF around overshadows this or mixes it up.

      It might be interesting for you to once try sufficiently effective HF cancelling devices to hear how your room sounds without that usual HF mess. That’s usually an enlightening experience. After that you won’t place a lamp there anymore I assume.

      • 2025-02-19 07:01:55 PM

        Come on wrote:

        So I dont want to speak against this lamp specifically, it might be just a small piece of harm against the rest. I just recommend to try out a noise cancelled room and soundstage area to hear how it could sound.

    • 2025-02-26 05:32:40 AM

      Come on wrote:

      Re: „you must turn off WiFi if you listen“

      There’s much more. There’s WiFi from your neighbors, there’s the mobile phone tower outside, RF from outside, your landline mobile phone inside, lamps, power outlets, your equipment and power lines and distributor radiating in most cases in the area of your soundstage, your cabling picking it all up and distributing it between the equipment. It’s a big mess where trying to avoid only one makes no big difference. Once hearing a really HF noise cancelled room changes awareness completely and shows the hidden potential of the chain.

  • 2025-02-20 12:11:34 AM

    Silk Dome Mid wrote:

    My $25 Lepower desk lamp works just fine. It has an incandescent bulb, is plugged into a different circuit, and is far enough from the equipment to avoid any imaginary noise. I even repainted the base and shade to make it look all cool and avant garde...

  • 2025-02-20 03:26:49 AM

    Dave wrote:

    I have a previous, un-sexy audiophile favorite on my short list: Something from Littlelite.

  • 2025-02-20 10:30:32 PM

    Michael Fremer wrote:

    I never thought a light would stir up so much controversy!

  • 2025-02-21 08:45:36 AM

    WesHeadley wrote:

    No way I would want a USB/LED light near my turntable -- the light it emits is ugly to me. My preference remains a dimmable halogen LittleLite -- better looking IMO, and vastly a better light source compared to any LED. They're a mood killer. LED lights are great for kitchens, hobbies and workshops -- but for music rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, they stink.

    • 2025-02-26 01:35:42 PM

      bwb wrote:

      the dimmable LittleLite looks like it uses a 12VDC wall wart power supply which is probably generating RF noise. No way I would have a wall wart near my system. LED lights also come in various colors, so the blanket statement they emit ugly light is not correct.

  • 2025-02-26 01:45:02 AM

    Kurt Lach wrote:

    I find these lights way too big and overpowering. If it were 1/2 to 1/3 smaller, I might consider it.

    • 2025-02-26 10:33:51 PM

      Come on wrote:

      I think this is a nice and useful reviewers’ tool (to illuminate pillars of changing equipment and constant cartridge mountings) that somehow made it to a ton of audiophile followers who, as you say, would actually need it 3 times smaller if at all. Just my opinion, too.

      But it’s really well and thoughtful done it seems, so great for those who need or want it.

  • 2025-02-26 01:45:05 AM

    Kurt Lach wrote:

    I find these lights way too big and overpowering. If it were 1/2 to 1/3 smaller, I might consider it.